Thursday, June 4, 2009

number 20

Iam a baby hedge hog, I like hedges sometimes I eat berries. My favorite past time is playing tag with my sister. We are cuuttttte!

number 19

When I first proposed to Alexis I was nervous but her amazing beauty calmed me.I Looked her directly in the eye and said "Oh my your so gorgous you must be mine", beingmodest like she always is she replys "No honey Iam not gorgous haha".."Oh yes you are" I exclaimed. I kneeled down and took her hand, "Will you marry me?" I questioned..."Yes" she said...

number 18

The ocean is a deep blue, and my fins turn the water into bubbles.
Sharks are scary but I dont let them frighten me because once they
smell fear its on! My family and I are turtles and we love it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

number 16

welcome to channel 77 news, today we find rapper lil wayne in trouble with the law yet again. this time he was caught in a toys r us stealing 3 playstation twos...her is an eye witness Mally Moore "I saw lil wayne steal it i sure did i have no idea why he would want to make the children cry". lil wayne will recieve a life sentence.

number 15

Now that you have enter the afterlife I Anubis shall show you around. See across that river is the dark side where you do not belong. Your welcome to drink the clear water but once you venture off into the dark you are lost forever. Iam showing you the right paths you just make sure you follow because I can not save you.

number 14

wake up your in our village now, after your cheif sent you away i found you in the forest almost dead and i revived you with the strength of our holy tiger. your new name is "man who once died" and you shall marry my sister Moon Cry, now rise i will meet you back at the hut.

number 13

Me the boys decided to go out for some poker and meet some ladies. But my dawg Ben was trippin' he decided not to wear tux. Like me and Dre, well anyways right before we let I PUT ON MY POKER FACE

number 13

Our family was attacked by a T-rex. Sadly grandma was left behind in the castle, Donny too got stuck in his blankets. Iam not quite sure how I made it out all but Ill tell ya this, dont buy Salsa balls and leave them out..T-rex's love em.

number 12

I looked down, "WHAT THE ****" I yelled. I got an octopus tattoo when I asked for a opossum. I screamed with anger as I grabbed at my octopus tattooed skin. The tattoo artist sat down rocking back in forth in stress. I had to live with this thing on the side of me. And I hated it.

number 11

"NOOOO please Mr. Unicorn dont kill Mr. Fuzzles" I yelped. Mr. Fuzzles was my brand new hamster and Mr. Unicorn insisted on killing him. And so I ran to the kitchen grabbed the sharpest butter knife my mom left in the drawer. Minutes later me and Mr. Fuzzles were reunited and mom was busy cleaning Mr. Unicorns stab wounds.

number 10

I sell icecream, its simply what I was made for. My van goes exactly 50 mph and I love it. The kids come running towards me with glee. Because Iam an icecream man and they love me. My uniforw is a green collard shirt with a few blood stains. My name is Richard but can call me Dick.

number 9

Well mom says that this spaghetti will make me more like Superman, so in that case thats why I eat it. This time she decided I would wash it down with a tall glass of milk and a hot dog. I diddnt mind though because Superman wouldve down the same thing.

nummber 8888888

Iam only 4, yet I know what I wwant to be when I grow up. I would like to be
a jewelery box maker, just like Papa. Papa always is happy and loves his boxes
and that makes Mama happy.

number 7

The ocean is filled with beautiful, I dream Iam a mermaid..its my wish.

To splash with the dolphins and laughing with the eels, the happiness

that thought bring is for real. But Mommy says dont talk of such things

you may not swim with fishes or swim with submarines. With that note

Ill go back home.

number 6

roses are red so is blood.

vampires drink it, blood they love.

dark in the night they leave their

coffin. dont try and scare them with

garlic they're not stopin'.

number 5

Its furry, and purs and cuddles it likes.

Its claws are sharp, and when scratches I go "Yipes".

They lick themselves clean. Their eyes vary from

blues to yellows and GREEN.

what is the animal Iam referring to?


There was a loud BAND that came from the attic. Both me and my sister stared up at the ceiling just waiting for it to crack. We then looked at eachother and laughed, it was proabably my dad playing a joke on us. With that in mind I grabbed the rope connected to the door and yanked me and my sis crawled through with no problem. A chilly breeze past threw me, and dust painted my clothes. As I glanced over green eyes from under grandmas quilt glared at me.



Its in the shape of cords. When my mom
cooks it i sing to the Lords. "OH PASTA


Once there was a turtle who lived in a igloo. His favorite mealwas Spam and eggs..raw. His wife was a snow bunny, litterally. When it rained dolphins he and his children would enjoy their blood. One day he opened the window to his igloo and noticed his wife and kids were gone, "What happened" he mumbled to himself. He got up from his bed of piegon feathers and walked to the frigde there it was...A pink note reading "Honey were at the zoo, see you at 5"

The End.


I like food, Iam not rude.
I have 2 cats, they're fat.
I like to write books, and people give me funny looks.
Iam in yearbook class, Lets hope i pass.